Old Master Drawings Dutch

Govaert Flinck, Cleves (1615-1660), Head of man with turban

Govaert Flinck, Cleves - Head of man with turban

Jan Josefsz van Goyen (1596-1656), A figure in a rowing boat in an estuary, a landmark on a jetty.


Willem van de Velde the Younger (1633-1707), Shipping on a Calm Sea

Willem van de Velde the Younger - Shipping On A Calm Sea
Leiden 1633 – 1707 London
Black chalk and grey wash;
166 by 415 mm; sea scape characteristic of van de Velde the Younger.

Rembrandt School/workshop – Christ Before Pilate

Rembrandt School/Workshop - Christ Before Pilate

Pen and brown ink and wash over black chalk; drawn arched top
230 by 191 mm.
This drawing concerns a subject that has been the subject of paintings, other drawings and engravings for books by Rembrandt and his workshop. Some of Rembrandt’s most significant works have depicted various scenes concerning the event. This simple one shows the key elements of the event as captures Christ gesturing to speak to explain himself to Pontius Pilot.